Summer Training Goals

Summer is that grey area of the year where I feel like no one has any idea what to do. Hopefully for elite athletes you are competing at World Championships or abroad in Europe. Others may opt for rest. On various summers I have been the most motivated after some of my worst track seasons.

I moved to the Olympic Training Center in California last fall to compete with some of the top athletes in the world. And even the best athletes have different beliefs on what to do this summer.

After two weeks off I have opted to train through this summer.

With my shoulder injury I can’t afford to lose all the progress I made this year. And if I take a long break I will have to build up my fitness all over again.

So what am I doing this summer?

I have prioritized my training into three parts.

 1: Rehab like crazy.

I want to get my shoulder in the best shape ever, and be as healthy as possible for the start of the 2016 season.

2: Build my speed endurance.

Speed is a critical piece of throwing the javelin. Muscles work together, so developing speed on the track can also develop speed in my arm.

3: Gain strength if possible

This used to be just a thought in the back of my head but I am starting to focus on this more and more each week. Strength will help increase shoulder stability, as well as higher power output in my legs. Last year I lost a lot of strength because we were worried some lifts could hindering my shoulder, and we put a huge focus on technique in the weight room rather than strength.


Even with my goals set it’s been really hard to stay motivated and focused on a daily basis.  There aren’t a lot of athletes at the training center that share my summer training philosophies. Because of this I am often alone in a huge facility with nothing but heavy metal music motivating me.

But I have been in this situation before. Most of my post collegiate career has been without training partners. Luckily I have always been a bit of a masochist (a person who is gratified by pain) and I have always had to find my own motivation. Currently my motivation comes from knowing potential and knowing exactly what it will take to accomplish my dreams.

Coach Joaquim Cruz was screaming at his athletes during their sprints today. He yelled,

“Make it hurt!”

Training is going to hurt a lot in order to make the Olympic Team in 2016. It’s going to take a lot of hard work and a lot of sacrifice too.

We have two guys (Sean Furey and Sam Crouser) who have hit the Olympic Standard and I think there are three of four guys that could hit the standard next year. That will make the Olympic Trials a cutthroat battle to make the team.

Until then I have my head down. I am doing my thing, and I am going to do it to the best of my ability!

9 years ago